The power of story to inspire, excite and move people never ceases to amaze us. We believe it is our responsibility to ensure that your event story in Ireland is meaningful, memorable and emotion fuelled. 

Great stories stand the test of time! Our process is a blend of meticulous planning and spontaneous inspiration. We believe in our ideas, we leave no thought unexplored. We don’t hold back and we love nothing more than a healthy, respectful debate to find the best solution. We over-communicate because radio silence is just not our thing and like all good Irish people, we love to talk and talk fast. 

We keep things in perspective – we are not saving lives, but we will make a difference to your life. At the end of the day, it boils down to this: creative artistry, problem-solving, meticulous organisation and storytelling, yes, it's truly that straightforward. 


great event stories stand the test of time




We believe in the power of connection, collaboration and co-creativity. We are a close-knit team of spirited creatives who love working together.  We take great pride in standing out from the crowd.  Our shared love for our craft creates a vibrant environment, where ideas thrive and multiply. There are no glory hunters here, we speak in terms of ‘we’ not ‘I’ and work together to build upon your vision. Yes, it is hard work, but we make it our mission to have fun along the way.


We are curious souls, charmed by the past and excited by the future. With a bold and adventurous spirit, we seek out the new, the hidden and the quirky. Never conventional, we stretch our imaginations to channel an element of surprise into all that we do. What's more, we consistently challenge our collaborators to do the same.

We thrive on being first-movers and leaving those around us asking... “why didn’t we think of that?”. Explorers at heart, we persistently push the boundaries of what is believed possible... until we prove otherwise! 

Keep on reading to find out why



We value and nurture the strong personal relationships and indeed, friendships we have developed over the years. Where would we be without our partners who regularly go to the ends of the earth for us.

Only working with the most talented, intuitive, and ambitious people who have the courage to take risks and deliver awe inspiring work that sets a new standard. Then, together we support one another, trust our finely tuned process and let our collective energy drive us forward in the same direction. 

Always in motion, we are constantly evolving. Every project is a chance to uncover something new, enabling us to learn, grow and explore. With every discovery, our perspective alters to uncover new levels of creativity. We are forever pushing boundaries, avoiding stagnation and embracing change. All the while, staying true to our core values and the essence of what it means to experience Ireland’s unique heritage and cultural traditions. 

We embrace change and we move with it. Nothing stays the same.


We believe in building a legacy of positive impact, where our daily choices, interactions and work stands the test of time. We think in the long-term and we strive to leave a positive impression on the lives of our clients, partners, and the communities who welcome us.

We fiercely support our team. We want them to be happy and engaged, while they build a strong personal and professional legacy. We therefore help and encourage them to; dream more, learn more and become more than they ever imagined.

There is no greater legacy than the power of story to inspire, excite and move people. We believe it is our responsibility to ensure that your experience in Ireland is meaningful, memorable and emotion fuelled. Great stories stand the test of time! That is the legacy we want to create for you. 


Our approach to Legacy is tri-fold;

Ray, Account Director 

Experiential Agency (Premium Automotive Brand), SF, USA

Aideen, you immediately connected and understood the vision and tone of our event and had the right people on your team to align with our clients in house team. I know we can be a tough client, pushing our vendors to new heights and avenues.

I trust you know that we selected you because we knew that you'd make great partners. I have to say it's been a while that I've seen a team come together so well. It seems no matter what... you were willing to rise to the challenge and deliver. 


It’s memories like this that we always strive to give to our guests and as always, Ireland delivers!

We can’t thank you and your excellent team enough for all they did to ensure the success of this program for our client.

We can’t wait until the next one!!!

Kate, Senior Event Planner

Insurance Company
Toronto, Canada

Thank you for today’s virtual event. I know how much work goes into these virtual meetings so I wanted to send along my kudos. I thought you excelled at the interactive component.

The app, the videos, the music all kept me very engaged which is key in these virtual meetings!. I dream of the day when we can all return to explore your beautiful country and see you all in person again. 

From our Founder's personal portfolio

Incentive Agency
Ohio, USA

Paula, Account Executive

get in touch

Powered by imagination and together with our partners, we redefine the event experience in Ireland. With a spirit of bold reinvention, deep exploration and unwavering determination, we deliver storyful events that surprise, excite and drive action.

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