Charmed by the past and excited by the future...

Charmed by the past and excited by the future, we reimagine traditional events and incentive programs. Weaving an appreciation of contemporary and authentic Irish life, we create experiences that surprise, excite and drive action. Every event we undertake is uniquely special. Multi Award winning founders Aideen and Jill, each share over two decades of experience, knowledge and skill, as well as a deep love and respect for Ireland’s culture, heritage and charm.

Personally invested in your success, we only collaborate with suppliers, experience creators and artisans we know by name and regard highly by reputation. Together, we craft imaginative one-of-a-kind proposals and deliver legacy fuelled events with an unwavering dedication to the finest of details.

We believe strongly in presenting Ireland in a responsible and sustainable way. At every turn, we strive to treat both the people and places involved in crafting and delivering our experiences with utmost kindness and respect. Our guiding ethos is clear: to deliver once in a lifetime experiences, while upholding the integrity of the world we engage with. As we evolve, we strive to do more every day.

We welcome the opportunity to become part of your event in Ireland. Our team will ensure that the memories left in the hearts and minds of your clients will live long after the event itself.


Aideen & Jill

Aideen Morrin and Jill Hughes are experts in the international business travel, incentives, events and high end luxury/special interest groups arena. Boasting a combined 48 years in the industry, they have travelled the world securing conference, event and incentive business for Ireland. Their local destination knowledge is unmatched. 

Delivering events for 20 to 30,000 attendees, their client roster has included a broad range of Fortune 500 companies spanning diverse industry sectors. Their portfolio of work has secured multiple highly prestigious national and international awards. Highly active at industry level, their accolades have included board and mentorship positions with SITE Ireland and ITOA (Incoming Tour Operators Association of Ireland). 

Their story began in 2005 on a Tourism Ireland sales mission in South Africa and from that time, their fate was sealed. They came together in 2010 to build and lead a highly successful DMC, a partnership that would thrive for an impressive 12 years.  

Always unified in their vision, they are uniquely different, yet highly complementary in their skill set. Their greatest strengths are their curiosity, creativity and an unshakeable work ethos. Relationship driven, they are keenly aware that in this business, you are only as good as your last event, so they make each one count. If there is one thing you should know about them... yes, they are talkers, but more importantly they are doers. 

Fiercely supportive of their team, their clients and their partners, they have a keen eye for talent, they move mountains to make things happen and they most definitely never settle. Essentially, they are the glue that holds it all together. Thriving on what they do, for them, this work is a pure joy.

Founding Friends 

Celebrate Life

Appreciate Simple Pleasures

Rich Cultural Pride

Warm and Welcoming

Masterful Storytellers

some of our favorite THINGS ABOUT IRISH PEOPLE

Irish people are renowned for our captivating storytelling

Visitors to Ireland are embraced with open arms

We wear our Irishness like a badge of honour

Musical Heartbeat

Ireland’s musical passion runs deep, we dance to our own rhythm 

We believe that the best relationships are formed around the dinner table

The natural beauty of Ireland permeates our stories

Our Philosophy.

We are of the philosophy that every event we have the privilege to deliver should inspire, evoke, and enliven the senses.

what matters most  to us:

Imagination:  We are curious souls, charmed by the past and excited by the future.

Togetherness: We believe in the power of connection, collaboration and co-creativity.

Keeping Good Company: We only collaborate with suppliers, experience creators and artisans we know by name and regard highly by reputation.

Fiercely Supportive: we encourage our team, clients and partners to; dream more, learn more and achieve more than they ever imagined.

Evolution: With every project we uncover new levels of creativity, enabling us to learn, grow and broaden our perspective. Always staying true to the essence of Ireland, we embrace change and we move with it. 

Legacy: We believe in building a legacy of positive impact, where our daily choices, interactions and work stands the test of time.

One of the biggest and most important decisions to be made when coordinating a corporate event is to select a company that will best represent your interests when dealing and negotiating with the local hotels and vendors. This is our single highest profile event and this year we had our highest attendance on record.

You are master budget planners and we knew line item by line item what every decision was going to cost. In the end we had no surprises and all the hotels and off-site venues were a smashing success. You were with us every step of the way for more than a year and every minute during our program when it was finally showtime. You kept us informed of everything and anything we needed to know. By all accounts, this year's event was the best in our history. The location would not have mattered if anything had gone wrong. I am happy to report that the feedback has been extraordinarily positive. Thank you!

“a smashing success.”

Doris, Executive Assistant to Senior Vice President, Sales, Tech Company, USA


Whether you are curious and simply want to know more, or have a specific enquiry for Ireland – we're ready to answer any and all questions. 

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